Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Day 8: Last Day at ASYV


Today was our last full day at ASYV. We started the day off with a short 9 mile "walk" that seemed more like a hike on the way in the hot sun. It was great to see the surrounding area and gave us a better idea of the people that live in this rural part of the country. After the hike, we got back to the village and had lunch with the students. As usual, we had rice and beans, a dish that we could not get enough of! We spent the afternoon relaxing and hanging out with our families. This evening was pretty sad as we shared our final family time together. After 10 days at ASYV, I think we are all surprised by the incredible love and acceptance we have received day after day from the students here. It was very hard to say goodbye, but I am confident that we will continue to build the friendships we have made here back in the US.


The last full day at ASYV was filled with a lot of goodbyes, fond memories, and hugs. I'm so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have come to ASYV and learn about the culture. Starting off with a long and rough trek through the mountains to a "lake" this morning, the day was long and grueling and filled with saying many goodbyes. At the final family time, we had a dance party where I was able to dance with my Mama and express the gratitude I have for the family and everyone that I have been fortunate enough to meet here. I have learned a lot here and am excited to bring back everything I learned to the states. This will always be something to remember! Peace and love and good fortune to trying to get back to the US.